JoeFrex Handle Classic Walnut for Tamper Base


Der JoeFrex 90mm Classic Handle wurde aus hochwertigem Europäischem Walnuss gefertigt. Durch seine anschliessend geölte Oberfläche bleibt das Holz “atmungsaktiv” d.h. sie wird nicht versiegelt. Dadurch kann auch eventuell eingedrungene Feuchtigkeit wieder abgegeben werden. Der Tamper Handle ist kombinierbar mit allen Unterteilen aus JoeFrex Base Knock Serie. In Kombination mit dem JoeFrex Baseknock erhalten Sie mit diesem Walnut Handle einen idealen und formschönen Espresso Tamper.

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Scope: barista accessories

JoeFrex GmbH
Kilianstr. 154
90425 Nürnberg (Deutschland)
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JoeFrex Handle Classic Walnut for Base Knock Temper Plate

This 90mm wooden handle is made from high-quality European walnut. The wood remains "breathable" thanks to its oiled surface, which means it is not sealed. This allows any moisture that has penetrated to be released again. The tamper handle can be combined with all bases from the JoeFrex Base Knock series. In combination with the JoeFrex Baseknock, this walnut handle gives you an ideal and elegant espresso tamper. It is used to press the espresso into the portafilter so that you can then enjoy your coffee to the fullest.

Tampers are indispensable preparation aids for your tasty espresso. If the coffee is not evenly distributed in the portafilter, the coffee grounds will be unevenly dense, which means that the water flows through the coffee powder at different speeds. Pressing requires full physical effort and a pressure of 15-20 kg should be applied.


  • Material: walnut
  • Condition: Oiled
  • Height: 90mm