JoeFrex Latte Art Dosing Bottle


Diese Latte Art Dosierflasche ist ein nützlicher Helfer, damit Ihnen die perfekte Gestaltung von Lininen und Formen im Milchschaum Ihres Cappuccino gelingt. Die hohe Kunst der Milchschaum-Gestaltung will gelernt sein. Von der richtigen Konsistenz bis zum perfekten Herzchen muss man viel üben.

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Scope: barista accessories

JoeFrex GmbH
Kilianstr. 154
90425 Nürnberg (Deutschland)
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JoeFrex Latte Art Dosing Bottle - How to create the perfect milk foam

This latte art dosing bottle is a useful tool to help you create the perfect lines and shapes in the milk foam of your cappuccino. The fine art of creating milk foam is something that needs to be learned. From the right consistency to the perfect heart, you need a lot of practice. With its 30mm diameter, the plastic latte art dosing bottle ensures optimal and sensitive grip when drawing in the milk foam. The art dosing bottle is made of plastic and is an indispensable barista tool.


  • Latte Art dosing bottle (dishwasher safe)
  • Perfect tool for drawing in milk foam
  • Easy-care
  • Dimensions: Ø 30mm H 10 cm
  • Content: approx. 25ml